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Of de bewerking wel of niet als klein gemarkeerd is (niet langer in gebruik) (minor_edit)
Aantal bewerkingen gebruiker (user_editcount)
Gebruikersaccountnaam (user_name)
Groepen (inclusief impliciete) waar gebruiker lid van is (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
Rechten die een gebruiker heeft (user_rights)
[ 0 => 'createaccount', 1 => 'read', 2 => 'writeapi', 3 => 'viewmywatchlist', 4 => 'editmywatchlist', 5 => 'viewmyprivateinfo', 6 => 'editmyprivateinfo', 7 => 'editmyoptions', 8 => 'abusefilter-log-detail', 9 => 'abusefilter-view', 10 => 'abusefilter-log', 11 => 'move-rootuserpages', 12 => 'edit', 13 => 'createpage', 14 => 'createtalk', 15 => 'upload', 16 => 'reupload', 17 => 'reupload-shared', 18 => 'minoredit', 19 => 'editmyusercss', 20 => 'editmyuserjson', 21 => 'editmyuserjs', 22 => 'purge', 23 => 'sendemail', 24 => 'applychangetags', 25 => 'changetags', 26 => 'editcontentmodel', 27 => 'spamblacklistlog' ]
Pagina-ID (page_id)
Paginanaamruimte (page_namespace)
Paginanaam (zonder naamruimte) (page_title)
Volledige paginanaam (page_prefixedtitle)
Handeling (action)
Bewerkingssamenvatting (summary)
Oude inhoudsmodel (old_content_model)
Nieuw inhoudsmodel (new_content_model)
Wikitekst van de oude pagina vóór de bewerking (old_wikitext)
Wikitekst van de nieuwe pagina ná de bewerking (new_wikitext)
'Easy way to get [ payday loans] They're just pills which make you put emphasis, she explained. Then, I had another five-hour go inside my laptop - without a period of time this time. The tablets of armodafinil and modafinil had been identical fit, size, and color and were furnished in coded, identical, and opaque packages to conceal identity and maintain blinding. Theophylline and aminophylline prevent hypoxic ventilatory despair via inhibited of adenosine,. Consequently , the noradrenalin signal between sleep-promoting neurons of ventrolateral preoptic center is extreme. Whilst it is not really illegal to consider the medicine, it is a violent offence to offer prescription just medicines with out a valid pharmaceutical. There are main confusions being created with respect to the Modafinil uses regarding their complicated naming conventions.<br><br>Hence, the prior gas exposures should not have influenced the ventilatory responses towards the succeeding gas exposures in the present study. Which is why many people could be decades late in adopting all of them. The use of R-enantiomer of [ modafinil avoids] pointless use of S-isomer and applies less metabolic load on the body. The use of cognition-enhancing drugs by healthy persons also elevates safety considerations, given that users often survey purchasing prescription drugs from the Internet. Wakefulness: You’ll be able to stay awake among - hours depending on the Modafinil brand, as well as the dosage you use. The study was conducted on the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies ITAB, a health-related research middle of the Chieti-Pescara University, and involved 24 females and males participants divided into two study groupings matched meant for age, sex, and education Table. What’s more, cognitive enhancement falls beyond the scope of medicine. There are no established restrictions and recommendations regarding the maximum dosage in america. This very likely reflects simple fact that people desire to enhance features that they benefit or that can lead to achievement, for example , knowledge in a knowledge-based economy. This article discusses the way the drug helps bring about wakefulness, how it might boost cognitive function, and the particular evidence uncovers about off-label indications.'
Unified diff van wijzigingen in bewerking (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +Easy way to get [ payday loans] They're just pills which make you put emphasis, she explained. Then, I had another five-hour go inside my laptop - without a period of time this time. The tablets of armodafinil and modafinil had been identical fit, size, and color and were furnished in coded, identical, and opaque packages to conceal identity and maintain blinding. Theophylline and aminophylline prevent hypoxic ventilatory despair via inhibited of adenosine,. Consequently , the noradrenalin signal between sleep-promoting neurons of ventrolateral preoptic center is extreme. Whilst it is not really illegal to consider the medicine, it is a violent offence to offer prescription just medicines with out a valid pharmaceutical. There are main confusions being created with respect to the Modafinil uses regarding their complicated naming conventions.<br><br>Hence, the prior gas exposures should not have influenced the ventilatory responses towards the succeeding gas exposures in the present study. Which is why many people could be decades late in adopting all of them. The use of R-enantiomer of [ modafinil avoids] pointless use of S-isomer and applies less metabolic load on the body. The use of cognition-enhancing drugs by healthy persons also elevates safety considerations, given that users often survey purchasing prescription drugs from the Internet. Wakefulness: You’ll be able to stay awake among - hours depending on the Modafinil brand, as well as the dosage you use. The study was conducted on the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies ITAB, a health-related research middle of the Chieti-Pescara University, and involved 24 females and males participants divided into two study groupings matched meant for age, sex, and education Table. What’s more, cognitive enhancement falls beyond the scope of medicine. There are no established restrictions and recommendations regarding the maximum dosage in america. This very likely reflects simple fact that people desire to enhance features that they benefit or that can lead to achievement, for example , knowledge in a knowledge-based economy. This article discusses the way the drug helps bring about wakefulness, how it might boost cognitive function, and the particular evidence uncovers about off-label indications. '
Regels toegevoegd in bewerking (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'Easy way to get [ payday loans] They're just pills which make you put emphasis, she explained. Then, I had another five-hour go inside my laptop - without a period of time this time. The tablets of armodafinil and modafinil had been identical fit, size, and color and were furnished in coded, identical, and opaque packages to conceal identity and maintain blinding. Theophylline and aminophylline prevent hypoxic ventilatory despair via inhibited of adenosine,. Consequently , the noradrenalin signal between sleep-promoting neurons of ventrolateral preoptic center is extreme. Whilst it is not really illegal to consider the medicine, it is a violent offence to offer prescription just medicines with out a valid pharmaceutical. There are main confusions being created with respect to the Modafinil uses regarding their complicated naming conventions.<br><br>Hence, the prior gas exposures should not have influenced the ventilatory responses towards the succeeding gas exposures in the present study. Which is why many people could be decades late in adopting all of them. The use of R-enantiomer of [ modafinil avoids] pointless use of S-isomer and applies less metabolic load on the body. The use of cognition-enhancing drugs by healthy persons also elevates safety considerations, given that users often survey purchasing prescription drugs from the Internet. Wakefulness: You’ll be able to stay awake among - hours depending on the Modafinil brand, as well as the dosage you use. The study was conducted on the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies ITAB, a health-related research middle of the Chieti-Pescara University, and involved 24 females and males participants divided into two study groupings matched meant for age, sex, and education Table. What’s more, cognitive enhancement falls beyond the scope of medicine. There are no established restrictions and recommendations regarding the maximum dosage in america. This very likely reflects simple fact that people desire to enhance features that they benefit or that can lead to achievement, for example , knowledge in a knowledge-based economy. This article discusses the way the drug helps bring about wakefulness, how it might boost cognitive function, and the particular evidence uncovers about off-label indications.' ]
Regels verwijderd in bijdrage (removed_lines)
Of de wijziging wel of niet is gemaakt via een Tor-exitnode (tor_exit_node)
UNIX-tijdstempel van wijziging (timestamp)
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