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Of de bewerking wel of niet als klein gemarkeerd is (niet langer in gebruik) (minor_edit)
Aantal bewerkingen gebruiker (user_editcount)
Gebruikersaccountnaam (user_name)
Groepen (inclusief impliciete) waar gebruiker lid van is (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
Rechten die een gebruiker heeft (user_rights)
[ 0 => 'createaccount', 1 => 'read', 2 => 'writeapi', 3 => 'viewmywatchlist', 4 => 'editmywatchlist', 5 => 'viewmyprivateinfo', 6 => 'editmyprivateinfo', 7 => 'editmyoptions', 8 => 'abusefilter-log-detail', 9 => 'abusefilter-view', 10 => 'abusefilter-log', 11 => 'move-rootuserpages', 12 => 'edit', 13 => 'createpage', 14 => 'createtalk', 15 => 'upload', 16 => 'reupload', 17 => 'reupload-shared', 18 => 'minoredit', 19 => 'editmyusercss', 20 => 'editmyuserjson', 21 => 'editmyuserjs', 22 => 'purge', 23 => 'sendemail', 24 => 'applychangetags', 25 => 'changetags', 26 => 'editcontentmodel', 27 => 'spamblacklistlog' ]
Pagina-ID (page_id)
Paginanaamruimte (page_namespace)
Paginanaam (zonder naamruimte) (page_title)
'Best Video'
Volledige paginanaam (page_prefixedtitle)
'Best Video'
Handeling (action)
Bewerkingssamenvatting (summary)
Oude inhoudsmodel (old_content_model)
Nieuw inhoudsmodel (new_content_model)
Wikitekst van de oude pagina vóór de bewerking (old_wikitext)
Wikitekst van de nieuwe pagina ná de bewerking (new_wikitext)
'SXephil - YouTube Channel Review<br>SXephil is a YouTube sensation. He is always on the highest views of the day listing, and he is fantastic! SXephil, whose actual name is Phillip DeFranco, talks concerning the news in a YouTube video on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He places his own fun spin on the news, making it more enjoyable for viewers than the common CNN News or a information station on television.<br>Phil is likely one of the funniest folks on YouTube. Every day, he decides who he thinks the D-bag of the day goes to be. Though his channel has many sexual jokes, in case you are sufficiently old and lack sufficient maturity to suppose that they're funny, this is one of the best YouTube channel in the world so that you can watch.<br>DeFranco averages around 250,000 views in the first couple days on his videos [ click]. He features so many views and comments so fast, sometimes the comments are more than the views as a result of YouTube can't calculate that fast.<br>I love this channel. Some examples of things he says are: "Well, one day I said to myself, Phil, and I did say Phil, as a result of me and myself are on a first name foundation." "Well, that is that....anyhoozle."<br>This guy is my favourite YouTube star, and I hope you'll like him just as much as I do. His content may be very innapropriate, so it's definitely NSFW (not secure for work). This isn't a funny video you possibly can present your boss. This is extra of a watch at residence video. Also, do not let your youngsters watch it if they do not know about the way to make babies. Phil will typically make references to this, and [ click] in case your child doesn't understand how this process works, they may know after watching about eight of his movies. This is an excellent channel, and when you subscribe, you'll eventually really feel like you might be a part of a nation. Oh, and if you missed this video, when the Vampire Robot Nazis who are also Chuck Norris and Dolphins come to plague the earth, the DeFranco nation is meeting in Kansas. We are going to start out a real nation. The cause Phil picked Kansas is because he thinks even him and a bunch of YouTube viewers could take over Kansas.<br>This channel is wonderful, and you need to definitely check it out a minimum of a couple occasions. He has off days, the place the movies are not that funny, however a lot of the days, you will end up in stitches with laughter. I would rate this channel a 10 out of 10 stars. It is definitely PG-13.'
Unified diff van wijzigingen in bewerking (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +SXephil - YouTube Channel Review<br>SXephil is a YouTube sensation. He is always on the highest views of the day listing, and he is fantastic! SXephil, whose actual name is Phillip DeFranco, talks concerning the news in a YouTube video on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He places his own fun spin on the news, making it more enjoyable for viewers than the common CNN News or a information station on television.<br>Phil is likely one of the funniest folks on YouTube. Every day, he decides who he thinks the D-bag of the day goes to be. Though his channel has many sexual jokes, in case you are sufficiently old and lack sufficient maturity to suppose that they're funny, this is one of the best YouTube channel in the world so that you can watch.<br>DeFranco averages around 250,000 views in the first couple days on his videos [ click]. He features so many views and comments so fast, sometimes the comments are more than the views as a result of YouTube can't calculate that fast.<br>I love this channel. Some examples of things he says are: "Well, one day I said to myself, Phil, and I did say Phil, as a result of me and myself are on a first name foundation." "Well, that is that....anyhoozle."<br>This guy is my favourite YouTube star, and I hope you'll like him just as much as I do. His content may be very innapropriate, so it's definitely NSFW (not secure for work). This isn't a funny video you possibly can present your boss. This is extra of a watch at residence video. Also, do not let your youngsters watch it if they do not know about the way to make babies. Phil will typically make references to this, and [ click] in case your child doesn't understand how this process works, they may know after watching about eight of his movies. This is an excellent channel, and when you subscribe, you'll eventually really feel like you might be a part of a nation. Oh, and if you missed this video, when the Vampire Robot Nazis who are also Chuck Norris and Dolphins come to plague the earth, the DeFranco nation is meeting in Kansas. We are going to start out a real nation. The cause Phil picked Kansas is because he thinks even him and a bunch of YouTube viewers could take over Kansas.<br>This channel is wonderful, and you need to definitely check it out a minimum of a couple occasions. He has off days, the place the movies are not that funny, however a lot of the days, you will end up in stitches with laughter. I would rate this channel a 10 out of 10 stars. It is definitely PG-13. '
Nieuwe paginagrootte (new_size)
Oude paginagrootte (old_size)
Groottewijziging (edit_delta)
Regels toegevoegd in bewerking (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'SXephil - YouTube Channel Review<br>SXephil is a YouTube sensation. He is always on the highest views of the day listing, and he is fantastic! SXephil, whose actual name is Phillip DeFranco, talks concerning the news in a YouTube video on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. He places his own fun spin on the news, making it more enjoyable for viewers than the common CNN News or a information station on television.<br>Phil is likely one of the funniest folks on YouTube. Every day, he decides who he thinks the D-bag of the day goes to be. Though his channel has many sexual jokes, in case you are sufficiently old and lack sufficient maturity to suppose that they're funny, this is one of the best YouTube channel in the world so that you can watch.<br>DeFranco averages around 250,000 views in the first couple days on his videos [ click]. He features so many views and comments so fast, sometimes the comments are more than the views as a result of YouTube can't calculate that fast.<br>I love this channel. Some examples of things he says are: "Well, one day I said to myself, Phil, and I did say Phil, as a result of me and myself are on a first name foundation." "Well, that is that....anyhoozle."<br>This guy is my favourite YouTube star, and I hope you'll like him just as much as I do. His content may be very innapropriate, so it's definitely NSFW (not secure for work). This isn't a funny video you possibly can present your boss. This is extra of a watch at residence video. Also, do not let your youngsters watch it if they do not know about the way to make babies. Phil will typically make references to this, and [ click] in case your child doesn't understand how this process works, they may know after watching about eight of his movies. This is an excellent channel, and when you subscribe, you'll eventually really feel like you might be a part of a nation. Oh, and if you missed this video, when the Vampire Robot Nazis who are also Chuck Norris and Dolphins come to plague the earth, the DeFranco nation is meeting in Kansas. We are going to start out a real nation. The cause Phil picked Kansas is because he thinks even him and a bunch of YouTube viewers could take over Kansas.<br>This channel is wonderful, and you need to definitely check it out a minimum of a couple occasions. He has off days, the place the movies are not that funny, however a lot of the days, you will end up in stitches with laughter. I would rate this channel a 10 out of 10 stars. It is definitely PG-13.' ]
Regels verwijderd in bijdrage (removed_lines)
Of de wijziging wel of niet is gemaakt via een Tor-exitnode (tor_exit_node)
UNIX-tijdstempel van wijziging (timestamp)
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