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Via deze pagina kunt u de door het filter aangemaakte variabelen voor een individuele wijziging onderzoeken, en deze testen tegen filters.

Variabelen voor deze wijziging

Of de bewerking wel of niet als klein gemarkeerd is (niet langer in gebruik) (minor_edit)
Aantal bewerkingen gebruiker (user_editcount)
Gebruikersaccountnaam (user_name)
Groepen (inclusief impliciete) waar gebruiker lid van is (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
Rechten die een gebruiker heeft (user_rights)
[ 0 => 'createaccount', 1 => 'read', 2 => 'writeapi', 3 => 'viewmywatchlist', 4 => 'editmywatchlist', 5 => 'viewmyprivateinfo', 6 => 'editmyprivateinfo', 7 => 'editmyoptions', 8 => 'abusefilter-log-detail', 9 => 'abusefilter-view', 10 => 'abusefilter-log', 11 => 'move-rootuserpages', 12 => 'edit', 13 => 'createpage', 14 => 'createtalk', 15 => 'upload', 16 => 'reupload', 17 => 'reupload-shared', 18 => 'minoredit', 19 => 'editmyusercss', 20 => 'editmyuserjson', 21 => 'editmyuserjs', 22 => 'purge', 23 => 'sendemail', 24 => 'applychangetags', 25 => 'changetags', 26 => 'editcontentmodel', 27 => 'spamblacklistlog' ]
Pagina-ID (page_id)
Paginanaamruimte (page_namespace)
Paginanaam (zonder naamruimte) (page_title)
Volledige paginanaam (page_prefixedtitle)
Handeling (action)
Bewerkingssamenvatting (summary)
Oude inhoudsmodel (old_content_model)
Nieuw inhoudsmodel (new_content_model)
Wikitekst van de oude pagina vóór de bewerking (old_wikitext)
Wikitekst van de nieuwe pagina ná de bewerking (new_wikitext)
'The name of creator [ upvc repairs near me bromley] [ patio door repairs bromley] repair [ window doctor bromley] is Noella but large number of misspell keep in mind this. Meter reading is the way I support my family but soon I'll be on my personal. Washington is where [ window refurbishment near me bromley] and my wife live. To cook is something my wife doesn't relish but I do. He is running and a blog here: bifold doors [ upvc door repairs bromley][ patio door repairs near me bromley]+me+[ upvc window repairs bromley]'
Unified diff van wijzigingen in bewerking (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ +The name of creator [ upvc repairs near me bromley] [ patio door repairs bromley] repair [ window doctor bromley] is Noella but large number of misspell keep in mind this. Meter reading is the way I support my family but soon I'll be on my personal. Washington is where [ window refurbishment near me bromley] and my wife live. To cook is something my wife doesn't relish but I do. He is running and a blog here: bifold doors [ upvc door repairs bromley][ patio door repairs near me bromley]+me+[ upvc window repairs bromley] '
Nieuwe paginagrootte (new_size)
Regels toegevoegd in bewerking (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'The name of creator [ upvc repairs near me bromley] [ patio door repairs bromley] repair [ window doctor bromley] is Noella but large number of misspell keep in mind this. Meter reading is the way I support my family but soon I'll be on my personal. Washington is where [ window refurbishment near me bromley] and my wife live. To cook is something my wife doesn't relish but I do. He is running and a blog here: bifold doors [ upvc door repairs bromley][ patio door repairs near me bromley]+me+[ upvc window repairs bromley]' ]
Regels verwijderd in bijdrage (removed_lines)
Of de wijziging wel of niet is gemaakt via een Tor-exitnode (tor_exit_node)
UNIX-tijdstempel van wijziging (timestamp)
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